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    Dr Swapnil Jain

    Dr Swapnil Jain


    General Practitioner, Female

    Speaks English

    Meet Dr Swapnil Jain

    Dr Swapnil Jain holds both a MBBS and Masters in Surgery, and was awarded the Dean’s List & University Medal (magna cum laude)

    Dr Jain further holds a Diploma of Child Health through the University of Sydney, and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

    Dr Jain worked & trained across various teaching hospitals in Sydney, focusing her training in the specialities of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, and Emergency Medicine prior to embarking on her journey and final goal to General Practice.

    Dr Jain’s subspeciality interest is in WOMEN & CHILDREN’S HEALTH – and this is reflected in her popularity amongst the numerous paediatric & female patients of Macquarie Park and Sydney’s upper Northshore. She is known and respected by her patients for providing exceptional care that is both compassionate & respectful.

    Her other areas of interest encompass the breath of General Practice including: minor surgical procedures, management of chronic diseases, mental health care and aged care.